Thursday, June 25, 2015

 Memories of Teachers From 58

 Katie Dellostrito, Principal

She nodded her head. "I loved seeing you guys ballroom dance. I loved watching you guys play at recess. I love watched watching your writing grow.  I was extremely impressed by your west word expansion writing."

 Ms. Marsh, Specialty Teacher 

Our specialty teacher Ms. Marsh is leaving 58 at the same time the fifth grade is. She is moving to Michigan. Her family lives there. "I have a lot of memories. One memory of the fifth grade is I never had a year without you guys. You were the most special group  of students I had."

Ms. Blackwell, Specialty Teacher

She thought very intently. She thought of few to share with us."Oh my gosh, I have hundreds of memories. I've never said this about a show before, but I think SHREK was the best play ever this grade. this was the grade I had since kindergarten."

Ms. Heras, 4th Grade Teacher

Ms. Heras took long walks down the hall trying to think of what to say she came across this."When I was playing music and dancing with everybody at random moments."

Ms. Yarosh, 4th Grade Teacher

She rummaged through the memories in her brain. "Yeah, with the football helmet videos. I liked the dance party and the Harlem shake video."


Friday, June 5, 2015

Our final RAFTs! 5-316 Is In {Social} Action

Chloe's social action video Jake's social action rap.
Magali & Ruby sell cookies for victims of the Nepal earthquake.
Kaya & Ellie talk back to gender stereotypes.
  Jessica & Bella's animated skit on poetic inspiration.
  Johann's stirring expose on animal cruelty includes a clear call to action.

Alyssia & Riley's original song is so moving.

Sasha's RAFT: Free Leonard Peltier petition
Parker's Social Action News features girl-related progress in our world.

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

club getaway review

club getaway review

by Porter & Riley


 The fifth grade just came back from Club Getaway. For everybody, it was really fun. We asked them a few questions. The campfire and the dance party at club getaway was a big hit. The zip line and the bungee trampoline activity was a blast. We had a lot of fun during the activities. The questions we asked them were: What was you favorite activity, what did you do on the bus, what was your favorite night activity, who was your favorite counselor, what was your favorite part of Club Getaway, what did you do in the middle of the night, were you prepared, and last but not least, were the cabins comfortable?

We asked two students from class 301.  We asked Esteban and Emelia. This was Esteban's response. "Bungee, I like flipping. Archery, because it was fun. Swings because it feels good and weird. I talked and ate candy, then feel asleep. Robin because she was funny. Campfire." This was Emelia's response. "I think I liked the dance party. Kit because he was the only counselor I got to know. Dancing, and bungee. Yes. I stayed up talking." That was Ms. Beiderman class, class 301.

We asked two students from class 309. We asked Justina and Dylan. Justina's answer was "Dance. Zip line. Yes. Yes. Zip line." Dylan's answer was "The trip- zip because it was fun to climb up the rock wall and then zip line off. Swings, because it was fun to go high. Bungee jumping because it was fun to flip and epically fail. I talked, watched 'Home' and ate. Cabins. Tom. Free time. I partied all night!" That was class 309.

We asked five students from class 316 (that's our class!). We asked Jackson, Brendan, Bella, Lindsay, and Robert. A lot of people liked bungee. "Bungee was fun to jump high." Some people didn't like the dance party that much so they talked and got "drunk" on sugar outside. A lot of random students in our school took random photos on the bus.

Club getaway was a great, awesome and tiring experience for all (especially the chaperones). The only bad part was getting hit in the face by a basketball. Club Getaway was so much fun for the fifth grade.